Red Flags In Everyday Etiquette: 10 Signs Of An Inconsiderate Person


Ten Tell-Tale Signs Of An Inconsiderate Person-Clues For You

You know those moments when you’re left scratching your head, thinking, “Did that really just happen?” It could be the guy who snatched the last seat on the bus even though he saw you limping, or the friend who constantly interrupts you. These moments have one thing in common: signs of an inconsiderate person. 

Let’s talk about the subtle (and not-so-subtle) traits of an inconsiderate person and perhaps learn a thing or two about fostering more kindness in our daily lives.

Understanding Daily Interactions: Signs Of An Inconsiderate Person 

Signs of an inconsiderate person my regrets

Everyday, we meet, greet, and interact with countless individuals, whether it’s the cheerful barista at the coffee store or the quiet coworker by the water cooler. But have you ever walked away from a chat feeling, well, a bit overlooked or stepped on? Well, that’s because you are dealing with inconsiderate people.

Navigating our social world isn’t just about the big moments; it’s also about understanding those tiny nuances that make up our day-to-day experiences. Stick with us, and you’ll become a pro at spotting (and avoiding) inconsiderate pitfalls in no time!

1.  The Talk-All-The-Time Tom

Have you ever tried talking to someone who just won’t stop talking? That’s Tom for you and he shows one of the most annoying traits of an inconsiderate person. He talks so much about his own stuff that you hardly get a chance to say anything. It’s like he’s the only one with stories to share.

Strategy To Deal With Tom: When you are dealing with inconsiderate people of such kind, every once in a while, you can gently steer the conversation by asking a question. It could be something like, “Speaking of which, have you ever…?”

This gives you a small window to share your thoughts too, without being rude to the person.

Related: 6 Things To Keep In Mind While Talking To A Woman 

2. The I-Can’t-Wait Wendy 

One of the signs of an inconsiderate person is when someone is a Wendy, who doesn’t wait for you to finish speaking. The moment you start your sentence, she’s already jumping in with her own stories. It feels like she thinks her words are always more exciting than yours.

Strategy To Deal With Wendy: If you are asking how to deal with an inconsiderate person of such kind, you can just calmly say, “I’d love to hear your thoughts, but can I finish my point first?”, the next time Wendy interrupts.

This is direct but polite. Also, giving Wendy a heads-up before starting a conversation that you’d like to finish your story might work wonders.

3. The Doesn’t-Notice Nick 

Think about the moment when you were carrying lots of bags, struggling a bit, and Nick doesn’t even bother to help or hold the door. It’s like he’s in his own world, not noticing what’s going on around him, which is one of the traits of an inconsiderate person.

Strategy To Deal With Nick: Dealing with inconsiderate people, such as Nick, can be easy. Sometimes, people like Nick simply need a small nudge. A light-hearted, “Hey, Nick, mind giving me a hand?” should do the trick.

Remember, it’s not about calling them out but helping them become more aware.

4. The Always-Late Lucy 

One of the signs of an inconsiderate person is shown by Lucy, who can never make it on time. And when she finally arrives? No “sorry I’m late” or anything. It’s as if she doesn’t realize that making people wait isn’t nice.

Strategy To Deal With Lucy: So, how to deal with an inconsiderate person, such as Lucy? If Lucy’s tardiness affects plans, consider setting the time a bit earlier for her than everyone else. If she’s a good friend, talk to her directly about how her habit makes you feel.

5. The Too-Close Carl 

Carl doesn’t understand personal space. He might stand super close to you in a queue, or he might be that guy who is speaking loudly on his phone in public. It feels like he doesn’t know the meaning of “give some space.”

Strategy To Deal With Carl: If you are dealing with someone who has Carl’s signs of an inconsiderate person, you can politely say, “I’m a bit uncomfortable with close contact.” You can also subtly increase the physical distance, which can be effective. Physical distance is essential.

If Carl’s on the phone loudly, maybe pop in earphones or choose to distance yourself a bit.

Related: Tips To Cope With Personal Space Invaders

6. The Takes-But-Never-Returns Rita 

Rita has a habit of borrowing stuff – be it books, clothes, or anything else. But getting them back? That’s a challenge. If you ever ask for your things, she looks surprised, as if you’re asking for too much. This is one of the signs that you are dealing with inconsiderate people.

Strategy to Deal With Rita: On how to deal with an inconsiderate person such as Rita, add a gentle reminder to her: “Can I have it back by next week?” This is to be said right after you lend her something in the future.

Setting clear boundaries and timelines helps. Or, if you’re feeling cheeky, send her a playful reminder text with a “Missing” poster of your borrowed item.

7. The Everything’s-Wrong Emma 

Nothing seems to please Emma, who exhibits signs of an inconsiderate person. It’s either too hot or too cold. When they taste any food, it will be marked as either too salty or just too bland. Complaining is like her second language. It makes you wonder if she ever feels happy or content with anything.

Strategy To Deal With Emma: Everyone needs to vent, but constant negativity can be draining. When you are figuring out how to deal with an inconsiderate person, such as Emma, you can try shifting topics to more positive ones.

You can even ask about their positive moments during the day. Exercises that encourage gratitude or help them to see the silver lining between good and bad can also help Emma see things differently.

8. The Forgetful Fred 

You know that friend who forgets your birthday every single year? That’s Fred with traits of an inconsiderate person. Even with all the reminders in the world, he seems to have a selective memory. It’s a wonder how he remembers his own!

Strategy To Deal With Fred: While it’s easy to get frustrated with Fred, sometimes, he might just be genuinely forgetful. Consider setting up calendar reminders for him a week or two in advance.

If all else fails, start dropping hilariously obvious hints about your upcoming special day. Who knows? With enough prodding, you might just turn Fred into a Remembering Ronald!

9. The Not-So-Secret Sally 

Trust Sally with a secret? Think twice. Before you know it, everyone in the room is whispering about what you told her in confidence.

Strategy To Deal With Sally: Dealing with a Sally requires tact. If you’ve got juicy news, perhaps it’s best to keep it to yourself or share with only those you deeply trust.

For the fun-loving among us, consider feeding Sally an innocuous “secret” and see how quickly it spreads. It could be your little inside joke!

10. The Never-My-Fault Fiona 

Something goes wrong, and Fiona is always the first to point fingers. It’s never her fault, even when it’s clear as day. Taking responsibility? Not in Fiona’s dictionary!

Strategy To Deal With Fiona: Fiona can be challenging to handle, especially if she’s always in defense mode. Instead of pointing fingers back, focus on solutions. “Okay, Fiona, how do you think we can fix this together?”

This way, you’re sidestepping the blame game and working on a resolution. Over time, she might just pick up on this positive approach!


So there we have it, folks! From the ones who talk your ears off without a pause to those who just can’t remember a date to save their life. We all have people around us who exhibit signs of an inconsiderate person.

But remember, while these quirks can sometimes drive us up the wall, they also add a sprinkle of humor and character to our daily lives. The next time you come across one of these personalities, give them a cheeky grin and think, “Ah, another classic move!”

Life’s too short, so why not have a little chuckle along the way? Cheers to the wonderfully imperfect world of human interactions!

What does it mean when a person is inconsiderate?

An inconsiderate person doesn’t care about others’ feelings and can, often, come off as selfish. It is always advisable to give them a little nudge to help them consider your feelings too.

Does being inconsiderate also mean being rude?

Yes, being inconsiderate can also be marked as being rude and selfish.

What are some examples of being inconsiderate?

Some examples of being inconsiderate are not helping others in need, forgetting someone’s birthday, spilling out someone’s secrets, always blaming someone else, etc.

traits of an inconsiderate person
traits of an inconsiderate person, dealing with inconsiderate people

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