Monday Morning Inspiration: 8 Simple Tips to Make Your Monday Morning Better


Monday Morning Inspiration: Best Tips For Monday Morning

Discovering a way to enjoy the start of your week is hard for everyone. After a weekend full of relaxation, you have to go back to work or school and face another five days before you can rest again. If you’re looking for Monday morning inspiration, here are some tips!

Hearing an alarm on Monday morning feels like a punch in the gut. Itโ€™s an unpleasant reminder that itโ€™s time to get up and do adult things again.

But out of this widespread feeling of discontent comes an opportunity for change! Instead of letting the Monday blues take over, letโ€™s see if we can find some ways to find Monday morning motivation and make the first day of the week more enjoyable.

Thereโ€™s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to finding happiness on Monday mornings; thatโ€™s why weโ€™re giving you eight options!

These suggestions range from tackling that Sunday night fear all the way through finding little happy moments in your hectic day.

Whether youโ€™re a student, employee or stay-at-home parent, thereโ€™s bound to be something here thatโ€™ll set your Monday morning off on a better foot.

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So look into how to make Mondays better – from a mortal enemy into a best friend with these 8 tips.

Monday Morning Inspiration: 8 Tips For A Good Monday Morning

1. Sweat Away the Sunday Scaries

You know that gnawing feeling that creeps up come Sunday evening? Yeah, we hate it too. A good way to combat it is by getting physical with some light exercise.

Whether itโ€™s taking a brisk walk around the block or doing a quick yoga session at home (or anything in between), breaking a sweat will do wonders for both your brain and body.

2. Plan Ahead for Peace of Mind

Wave goodbye to Sunday scaries by planning your Mondays on Friday night. Just before you clock out for the weekend, take a moment or two to jot down your to-do list for the following week. By doing so, youโ€™ll clear your mind and set yourself up for a successful start.

3. Schedule Some “Me Time” on Monday Mornings

Incorporate some planning time into your Monday morning inspiration. Take a few minutes to organize your week or brainstorm ideas โ€” whatever makes you feel like youโ€™ve got it together.

Being proactive from the get-go will help put things in perspective and set the tone for an awesome day.

4. Embrace Solo Time on Sunday Nights

Donโ€™t get us wrong โ€” we love our friends and family as much as anyone else does โ€” but sometimes, we need a little โ€œme time.โ€

Spend Sunday evenings cooking dinner with yourself or diving into that book youโ€™ve been dying to read; do something that brings joy into your soul. Prioritizing solo time now means less stress later.

5. Rise And Shine A Little Earlier

Give yourself an extra 30 minutes on Monday mornings by setting your alarm a little earlier. That way, you can ease into your day more peacefully โ€” whether that means sipping an extra cup of coffee or enjoying the quiet before everyone wakes up. Trust us: Itโ€™s worth it.

6. Start Your Day With A Laugh

They say laughter is the best medicine, and we couldnโ€™t agree more. So why not start your Monday with a dose?

For a good Monday morning, Listen to a funny podcast during breakfast or watch a hilarious video while you get ready; whatever makes you chuckle will work wonders for your mood (and your coworkersโ€™, too).

7. Dress to Impress Yourself

If dressing in something that brings you joy every morning means rocking sweats and sneaks, then so be it. But if putting on a colorful outfit or wearing your favorite pair of funky socks brings out your inner Sasha Fierce, go for it. Wearing something that makes you feel good will give you an extra pep in your step.

8. And Lastly, It’s Okay to Be Grumpy Sometimes

One of the most difficult things for a person to do is getting out of bed on Monday morning. If youโ€™re feeling grumpy and unenthusiastic, let yourself be grumpy!

Thereโ€™s no need to try to be all peppy and happy-go-lucky if thatโ€™s not how youโ€™re feeling. Life can be tough sometimes, so itโ€™s okay to acknowledge that.

Itโ€™s also completely valid to take things one step at a time in order to get through them. If you find yourself struggling with Monday mornings more often than not, consider reaching out to friends, family or even professionals who may be able to help you.

With all that said and done, you donโ€™t have to live your life dreading Mondays! With just a little bit of effort, it is possible to infuse some Monday morning motivation into your day-to-day routines.

Related: 11 Strategies To Help Combat Monday Work Dread

If you follow these simple tips on how to make Mondays better, thereโ€™s no telling what we could accomplish in those first few hoursโ€ฆand beyond.

good monday morning

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