How To Become Who You Want To Be: 8 Steps To Completely Reinvent Yourself


How to Become Who You Want to Be: Steps

Ever wondered why some people can easily become the person they want to be? They are confident, reach their goals and live a meaningful life. It is natural to yearn the same for yourself- being the best version of your own self. But how? How to become who you want to be? Let’s find out.

How to Become Who You Want To Be

The journey of self-realization and growth is beautiful with lots of discoveries, challenges and victories. Let us explore some practical steps and insights on how to reinvent yourself and be who you want to be, empowering you to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery.

1. Define Your Vision

To become who you want to be, the first step should be defining your vision. Take a while and visualize what you want in life. 

Who do you feel like becoming? What is your expected behavior? 

When embarking on a journey to be who you want to be, it is vital that one sees themselves already at their intended destination. Write down your vision or create a vision board or visualize it mentally as it will guide all your choices and actions as if it’s a compass.

Related: 10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Becoming The Person You Mean To Be

2. Set Meaningful Goals

Once you know who you want to be and what goals you want to achieve, break them into smaller achievable objectives or goals as these will provide you directions and purpose. 

Start with long-term goals that directly correspond with your vision for yourself. Then break them down into smaller milestones that can be achieved within shorter periods of time. 

Ensure that your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound (SMART goals). Personal growth and progress are mapped out by meaningful goals.

3. Embrace Continuous Learning

Lifelong learning endeavors play a crucial role in learning how to become who you want to be. Hence, it is important that you commit yourself to lifelong learning. Acquire new knowledge, skills and experience necessary for what you visualize in future regarding yourself. 

Reading books; attending workshops; enrolling in online courses; or finding someone to mentor you are some ways through which this can be achieved. 

Surround yourself with people who inspire and challenge you. Remember nothing grows in the comfort zone. Through continuous learning, one gains a wider perspective, higher level of self-esteem and essential tools for being the best version of oneself.

4. Cultivate Self-Awareness

Wondering how to reinvent yourself? Be more self-aware. Self-awareness is the basis for personal growth. Take your time to comprehend yourself – your strengths, weaknesses, values and beliefs. Analyze your thoughts, feelings and actions. 

Observe recurring patterns and how they affect you throughout your life. To increase self-awareness, writing a journal, meditation and asking feedback from trusted individuals may be crucial. Once you have realized yourself well enough, you can make informed decisions that are in line with your own desires.

5. Develop Positive Habits

Our habits define our lives. So, if you want to become who you want to be, there are positive habits to develop in support of that vision. Recognize habits that are consistent with your goals and values then commit yourself to consistently practicing them. 

Begin small and advance gradually. The power of consistent positive habits should not be underestimated. Whether it is waking up early every morning or exercising regularly or practicing gratitude or nurturing your creativity; they provide a solid foundation for personal growth ensuring that one achieves success in life.

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6. Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs

What we believe becomes our reality. However, these self-limiting beliefs can be stopping us from achieving our greatest potential. Identify any negative beliefs that may be hindering your growth and challenge them. Replace with empowering beliefs that align to your vision. 

Load yourself with positive affirmations and visualize success as you move step by step towards achieving it. Reframe how you think about something and you are open to amazing personal transformations that will amaze even you.

7. Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity

Failure is inevitable when trying to be who you want to be. Don’t fear failure but instead seize it as an opportunity for learning valuable lessons. Every setback teaches us something, makes us stronger and helps us grow as individuals. 

Reflect on your failures, extract the wisdom they hold, and use it to refine your approach. The harsh reality is lasting success comes only after experiencing multiple failures. 

By embracing failure with a growth mindset, you will move forward on your journey of self-discovery. This is how to become who you want to be.

8. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

People we associate ourselves with have a great influence on our personal development. Spend more time with people who inspire, support and push you towards becoming a better person in life. 

Being surrounded by positive influences helps to boost morale, widens your horizons and also pushes you closer to your goals in life. Remember who you spend time with most often determines who you will eventually become, so choose smartly.

There you have it. This is how to become who you want to be and how to reinvent yourself.


Becoming who you want to be is a transformative journey that calls for commitment, contemplation or self-awareness as well as constant growth. You can unlock your true potential and become the person you aspire to be by following the steps above.

Remember, this journey is unique to you. Embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and stay committed to your vision. Believe in yourself because that is what it takes to build the life you desire. 

Related: How To Be A Better Person, According To Science

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How do I become who I wanna be? 

Define goals, cultivate self-discipline, seek learning opportunities, and embrace resilience to become the person you aspire to be.

How do you become a person you want to be? 

Personal growth involves setting goals, consistent effort, learning, and resilience to become the person one envisions.

How do I completely transform myself?

Transformation requires self-awareness, goal-setting, consistent action, adaptability, and a commitment to personal development for lasting positive change.

be who you want to be

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