
You can do all the things couples usually do without actually being in a serious relationship.

Love Haze

Relationship where everything is perfect and nothing could ever go wrong.

Stack Dating

It is all about keeping your options open and going on multiple dates with different people.


It is like an online romance where two people only communicate via text messages.

Cuddle Date

A fun trend whereby two people can indulge in physical closeness without feeling obligated to do anything more than that.


You stalk someone on social media, slide into their DMs without actually engaging in any real conversation.

Cookie Jarring

It is maintaining multiple love interests while having a backup plan or two.

Cuffing Season

It is finding a temporary partner for emotional warmth during the cold nights.

Slow Dating

It encourages you to make meaningful relationships, and create genuine emotional bonds.

 NATO Dating

NATO dating is one of those types of dating that prioritizes the journey over the destination.


One of the most interesting types of dating styles in the modern world, it prioritizes self-love the most.