/ə'dôrkəb (ə) 1/ adjective / informal 1. Both dorky and adorable. Socially awkward in a way regarded as appealing or cute

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[beest mohd] verb 1. The action of stepping it up and destroying the competition. 2. Superhuman state of mind, in which animal instinct takes over the mind and body.

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[ shefs kis ] (noun) It's a gesture and expression meant to show something is perfect or excellent. The gesture is made by pinching the fingers and thumb of one hand together (often in an OK sign), and kissing them.

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Chef’s Kiss

 [ krom-yuh-luhnt] adjective Cromulent means something good enough or satisfactory. And this word comes from none other than The Simpsons.

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[ˈklaɪ.mət æŋˌzaɪ.ə.ti] noun Climate anxiety is fundamentally distressing about climate change and its impacts on the landscape and human existence. 

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Climate Anxiety

[ˈdɒɡəʊ] noun These days, calling your dog a dog just doesn’t cut it. People love to give their furry companions cute nicknames. That’s where the term ‘doggo’ comes in handy.

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[doom-skrohl-ing] noun The act of continuously seeking out and reading bad news.

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[·riz·] noun/slang informal, n. a short for charisma charm, or skill in flirtation that allows one to easily attract romantic partners.

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