Codependency Recovery: How Self Love Is The Key To Healing


Codependency Recovery: Ways Self Love Is The Key To Heal

Ever felt like you’re losing yourself in relationships? Join us as we explore codependency recovery, and discover how self-love becomes the ultimate healer.

The first step of recovering from codependency is to stop focusing on others and start looking at yourself. As self-love improves, you become more aware of your emotions and can reframe your boundaries. Recovering from a codependent relationship is a journey towards self-love and self-acceptance where you will be able to let go and start dealing with your own life.

Recovery from codependency is really a process of self-love and acceptance. That’s easier said than done. The reason is that most of us have never experienced unconditional love and acceptance.

Our true self is hidden and longs for release and expression. Instead, we carry false beliefs about ourselves learned in our childhood. We don’t realize this because of our own faulty thinking. When we grow up in a dysfunctional family, that’s the planet we still live on. We continue to see the world and ourselves through the warped lens we were given.

For example, if we’re colorblind to seeing blue, no amount of logic can substitute for seeing a blue sky. We have to experience it. Similarly, we have to experience acceptance to know we’re worthy of it. And still, we probably won’t believe it and may not even realize that we don’t.

Codependency Recovery – How Self Love Is The Key

Denial is the first obstacle to recovery from codependency. Among symptoms of codependency, it’s the first one to overcome and can take time and education because we don’t know what we don’t know!

Denial includes not only denial of our codependency but also often denial of abuse, addiction, and other problems. For most codependents, due to internalized shame in childhood, it also includes denial of feelings and needs. Once out of denial, most of us must learn a set of new skills that we were supposed to have been taught as children.

Related: Codependency Addiction: Stages of Disease and Recovery

1. Identify And Accept Your Feelings

Self-love is the key to codependency recovery.

We have to learn to identify and honor our feelings. When we don’t accept ourselves, we’ll judge and doubt them with negative self-talk. Yet our feelings guide us to act in our self-interest and make the right decisions. 

2. Identify And Fill Your Needs

Parenting ourselves in recovery by meeting our needs is an act of self-love. But first, we must be able to identify our needs and know how to meet them. For many years, I didn’t acknowledge when I was lonely and needed support. Even when I did, I’d continue to isolate myself.

This stemmed from the lack of emotional connection to my mother growing up although I was never really alone. But like most codependents, I had to deal with painful feelings alone — or by talking to my cat. So first we must recognize our needs and then know how to fill them. If they’ve been shamed and not appropriately responded to, then we might not realize we have the need and not know how to fill it.

For some codependents, reaching out and asking for help feels humiliating due to childhood shame. This is an obstacle to getting support and healing.

3. Set Boundaries

Knowing our feelings helps us identify a need for boundaries. We must discern them and protect them. When our boundaries are ignored in childhood, we don’t learn about them or how to protect ourselves. In recovery, we learn to communicate assertively and set boundaries.

This step above all others requires skill, courage, and trusted support. As we grow in self-love in recovery, setting boundaries comes more naturally, because we believe we deserve it.

Related: Healthy Personal Boundaries: Why Setting Boundaries Keeps You Safe

4. Develop Self Love For Codependents And Self-Nurturing Skills

Finally, it’s not enough to know all this and accept ourselves, we must also learn self-nurturing and self-care. Even if our parents met our physical needs, often they weren’t able to nurture us emotionally. You can start by listening to the Self-Love Meditation.

It’s never too late to start recovery from codependency, but it requires support. Start therapy and join a 12-Step Program. Get the resources and tools here.

© 2021 Darlene Lancer

Darlene Lancer is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and an expert author on relationships and codependency. She’s counseled individuals and couples for 30 years and coaches internationally. Her books and other online booksellers and her website.

Check out Darlene Lancer’s website, What Is Codependency for more informative and interesting articles.

Learn how to heal from codependency and have meaningful relationships!

Written By: Darlene Lancer
Originally Appeared On: What Is Codependency
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Codependency Recovery: How Self Love Is The Key To Heal
how self love is the key

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